One of the biggest obstacles to overcome during the FAB photoshoot process has nothing to do with the cost, your body type or not knowing what to wear. It's the confidence to follow through.
It takes bravery to do your own photoshoot, committing yourself to an experience where you will be vulnerable can be very intimidating, especially if you have never done it before. But the rewards will always outweigh the risks.
As I have mentioned before I am a firm believer that Fine Art Boudoir is for everyone, and I mean everyone. It doesn't matter if you have never done a photoshoot before, it doesn't matter if you think you are not "sexy enough" or "thin enough" to do a FAB session. You absolutely are good enough to do it! You just have to be brave and trust in the process.
It is my job to help every person that steps in front of my lens feel like the best version of themselves and feel like they are beautiful, strong, and capable of accomplishing anything they set their mind to. Because they are!
By far the most common reason I hear from clients as to why they want to do their own FAB session is that they struggle with their body image and self-confidence. Fine Art Boudoir is a unique way to face those fears head on and prove to yourself that you can do anything you set your mind too.
Conversely, the most common reason people don't follow through with doing their own FAB session is that they simply chicken out. I see it all the time, and it usually happens the same way.
I will receive an application that comes from a client in the middle of the night. They are earnest about doing a session that will allow them to break out of their shell and see themselves in a new way. But then the morning comes and the insecurity sets back in and they are never are heard from again.
I am here to tell you to keep going! Don't let that insecurity trick you into doing things the same way and never pushing yourself to be better, be braver and more confident. The truth is confidence is never gained through doing what is comfortable. The fear of the unknown is real and powerful, but you can overcome it by pushing your boundaries in a safe an supportive environment.
That is the great thing about a FAB session! You can't fail, I won't let you. If you can take direction, believe in yourself, and let yourself go with the flow and have fun you will be successful in your shoot. That is all you really have to do, I am here to take care of the rest.
It is my job to coach and guide you through every pose, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. I am here to put you in the best light that captures your unique beauty in the way that is most flattering for you. I am here to make sure you are successful because I want you to have a positive transformative experience that leaves you feeling empowered and capable to take on any other challenges you face.
And if you are still feeling those strong nervous feelings that tell you to quit and that a FAB session isn't for you, Fight them in the most effective way, by educating yourself.
Learn about the process by searching this website. I have created a number of resources, explanations and handy tips that will help you overcome those nervous jitters. Need an outside opinion from someone who was once right where you are now? Read some of the testimonials! Want to know what motivates me and explains my approach? Read some of the articles! Have a burning question you don't see an answer for it? Ask me! I am here to help you have the best photo experience possible.
Be brave friends, push yourselves to be better. Your future happier self will thank you.
Want more information about your Fine Art Boudoir (FAB) session? Check out The Experience HERE!
Are you ready to book your shoot? Do you have questions? You can email me at I can’t wait to hear from you!