Roller derby is a force to be reckoned with.
If you are looking for a sport that is exciting, full contact, fast-paced and has some of the best people your community has to offer, roller derby is where it’s at.
I did the math and I have been photographing roller derby in some capacity for six years. I have learned a lot about roller derby in that time and I believe it is an event that everyone should experience live at least once in their life.
We as Minnesotian's are blessed enough to have two teams that are both ranked within the top one hundred teams in the world.* So if you were going to go see your first ever roller derby bout in MN you have some great options available to you.
Minnesota Roller Derby
Roller derby as a sport is exciting and complex. The best way I can describe it is, it's like a cross between rugby, NASCAR, and pro-wrestling.
All you really need to know is that the Jammer, (The one with the Star on their helmet) is the point scorer and everybody else is either trying to help them or stop them. Can you dig down deep into the rules and regulations, sure go nuts, but for anyone who just wants to watch. That is all you need.
I love it because it is basically like watching a controlled tornado. The level of skill the athletes have is incredible. You aren't just watching people pass, block, pivot, and jump over opponents, you are watching them do all those things ON WHEELS and some of the time backward.
Minnesota Roller Derby
I also love the pageantry of roller derby. It is the most punk rock DIY sport there is. That is where the pro-wrestling comparison comes in. All of the skaters bring their individual personalities to their uniforms, skater names and numbers. Every skater becomes a unique character and it makes everything so much more fun and exciting.
That mentality shines through in things like roller derby halftime. How many other sports can you think of where during halftime a live band is playing and there is a dance party going on in the middle of the field? If that happens elsewhere are the athletes out on the field signing autographs and taking pictures with fans? Because that's what happens at roller derby.
That lack of a barrier to entry is hugely inspiring. Little kids get to meet the skaters and talk to them as people. They get to see that there isn't anything separating them from the possibility of being a derby skater except for trying it out. It's that level of inclusion that will keep roller derby alive into the future and why other sports are dying.
Minnesota Roller Derby
There is also something for everyone at a roller derby bout.
Are you a guy who just wants to watch sports have a beer and see badass ladies in fishnets? Roller derby.
Are you a woman who wants to be empowered by other women who look like you? Roller derby.
Are you a parent who wants something you can bring your kids to? Roller Derby.
Do you want to see sports and live music at the same show? Roller Derby.
Are you LGBTQ+ and want an event where you can meet others in your community? Roller derby is the most inclusive sport around, so you couldn't possibly be in a better place!
Northstar Roller Derby
As a photographer, my goals are to be a good witness and to tell an interesting story.
I want the skaters I photograph to look like superhero's and inspire others because they inspire me.
I want to document the excitement, chaos, and drama that is this full-tilt sport.
Because people need to see this, there isn't anything else quite like it.
If you have any interest I cannot recommend enough checking out your local roller derby league and going to their next bout, you will be surprised by how much fun you have!
*Minnesota Roller Derby ranks 39th and North Star Roller Derby ranks 55th at the time of writing this article 2/24/2020 according to WFTDA rankings.